Wispact strongly advises working with an attorney proficient in elder law or estate planning for people with disabilities, including related tax issues and government benefits, to advise about the legal requirements for creation of the account, tax effects of establishing this account, and the effect of placing assets in this Trust Account on the Beneficiary’s eligibility for means-tested public benefits.

The following attorneys are organized by county in which their offices are located, and have indicated their willingness to help Beneficiaries or their Representatives set up a Wispact sub-account.

These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Wispact of any of the services or opinions of the attorneys or firms listed. These attorneys have asked Wispact to appear on this list, but Wispact does not exclusively require the use of these firms or attorneys to set up a Wispact Special Needs Trust.

Servicio en Español

Estos Abogados ofrecen servicios en Español para Wispact, planes por necesidades especiales, y otros servicios para personas con discapacidades.

Nancy Thome

Sitio: https://www.hannabrandt.com/
Correo Electrónico: nancy@hannabrandt.com
Teléfono: (608) 216-7000
*Ofrece servicios en todo el estado por teléfono


David C. Van Straten II

Sitio:  http://www.lvslegal.com
Correo Electrónico: david@lvslegal.com
Teléfono: (920) 784-2900
Dirección: 225 S Monroe Ave, Sala 103, Green Bay, WI 54301*
*Ofrece servicios en todo el estado por teléfono

Adams County

Jennifer W. Koeppl

Website: https://www.koeppllaw.net
Email: jkoeppl@koeppllaw.net
Phone: (920) 622-3048

Ashland County

Ryan Long

Email: rlong@sturgullong.com
Website: http://www.sturgullong.com
Phone: (715) 682-0737

Barron County

Brittany E. Stephens

Email: bes@kmlolaw.com
Website: https://www.koehlerstephenslawoffice.com
Phone: (715) 234-2128

Bayfield County

Julia Veenendaal

Email: attorneyjulia.veenendaal@gmail.com
Website: jv-willsandtrusts.com
Phone: (715) 979-1407

Brown County

Emily E. Ames

Website: http://www.hdz-law.com
Email: eames@hdz-law.com
Phone: (920) 430-1900

Aric Burch

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: aburch@ruderware.com
Phone: (920) 435-9393

Sarah J. DeBruin

Website: http://onelawgroupsc.com
Email: sarah@onelawgroupsc.com
Phone: (920) 330-9206

Bridget M. Erwin

Website:  http://www.hdz-law.com/
Email: berwin@hdz-law.com
Phone: (920) 430-1900

Roy Hegard

Website: billsandwills.com
Email: hegardlaw@gmail.com
Phone: (920) 267-6588

Gini L. Hendrickson

Website: https://www.dkattorneys.com/attorney/ginihendrickson/
Email: ghendrickson@dkattorneys.com 
Phone: (608) 667-6120

Sarah J. Kons

Website:  http://www.hooperlawoffice.com
Email: sarah@hooperlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 993-0990

Bert Liebmann

Website: http://www.lvslegal.com
Email: bert@lvslegal.com
Phone: (920) 784-2900

Jeffrey J. Martinson

Website: http://www.martinsonlawoffices.com
Email: martlaw@tds.net
Phone: (920) 432-4303

Jessica Merkel

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: jmerkel@ruderware.com
Phone: (920) 435-9393

Mark D. Munson

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: mmunson@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 845-4336

Mary Rose Orcutt

Website: www.geimerorcuttlaw.com/
Email: maryrose@geimerlawoffices.com
Phone: (920) 432-4433

Daniel Walsh, CPA, CELA

Website: http://www.onelawgroupsc.com
Email: dan@olgsc.com
Phone: (920) 336-5766

David C. Van Straten II

Website:  http://www.lvslegal.com
Email: david@lvslegal.com
Phone: (920) 784-2900
*Ofrece servicio en Español

Buffalo County

Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resource.

Burnett County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resource.
Calumet County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resource.
Chippewa County

Gregory P. Dowling

Email: gdowling@bloomer.net
Phone: (715) 568-2250

Teresa Germain

Website: https://www.wileylaw.com/
Email: tgermain@wileylaw.com
Phone: (715) 723-8591

Clark County

Wispact currently has no attorneys listed this county. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resource.


Columbia County

Jeffrey P. Clark

Website: http://boardmanclark.com
Email: jclark@boardmanclark.com
Phone: (608) 635-4324

N. Charles Eggert

Website: http://www.eggert-law.com
Email: charlie@eggert-law.com
Phone: (920) 478-1000

Tracy J. Waldinger

Website: http://www.portagelawyers.com/
Email: twaldinger@portagelawyers.com
Phone: (608) 742-8585


Crawford County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Dane County

Johanna J. Allex

Website: https://staffordlaw.com
Email: jallex@staffordlaw.com
Phone: (608) 259-2664

Virginia Bartelt

Website: http://barteltgrob.com
Email: vbartelt@barteltgrob.com
Phone: (608) 663-5601

Anne M. H. Brindley

Website: https://www.hsbelderlaw.com
Email: anne@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237- 6673

Gretchen Burgess

Website: https://www.neiderboucher.com
Email: GBURGESS@neiderboucher.com
Phone: (608) 661- 4500

Margaret Brown

Website: https://dewittllp.com/
Email: mbrown@dewittllp.com
Phone: (608) 283- 5529

Michael Coakley

Website: https://turkelaw.com
Email: michaelc@turkelaw.com
Phone: (608) 237 – 1775

Forrest Crawford

Website: http://www.hometownlegalservices.com
Email: forrest@hometownlegalservices.com
Phone: (608) 616- 0529

Amy Devine

Website: https://hsbelderlaw.com
Email: amy@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237 – 6673

Nelson W. Donovan

Website: www.estateplanningpeople.com
Email: info@friendly.law
Phone: (608) 268 – 5751

Anna Dontje

Website: https://hsbelderlaw.com
Email: anna@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237 – 6673

Alexander M Evans

Website: https://turkelaw.com
Email: alex@turkelaw.com
Phone: (608) 665-0360

Michael Fioretti

Website: http://www.jtlawwi.com
Email: michael@jtlawwi.com
Phone: (608) 273-8609

Mark H.T. Fuhrman

Website: https://fuhrmandodge.com/
Email: mfuhrman@fuhrmandodge.com
Phone: (608) 327-4200

Brenda Haskins

Website: https://www.hsbelderlaw.com
Email: brenda@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237- 6673

Gini L. Hendrickson

Website: https://www.dkattorneys.com/attorney/ginihendrickson/
Email: ghendrickson@dkattorneys.com 
Phone: (608) 667-6120

Brendt J. Hoeft

Website: http://www.hoeftlaw.com
Email: brent@hoeftlaw.com
Phone: (608) 492-0110

John Horn

Website: http://www.hornjohnsen.com
Email: john@hornjohnsen.com
Phone: (608) 829-2525

Dera L. Johnsen-Tracy

Website: http://www.hornjohnsen.com
Email: dera@hornjohnsen.com
Phone: (608) 829-2525

Mark T Johnson

Website: https://jtlawwi.com
Email: mark@jtlawwi.com
Phone: (608) 273-8609

Daniel J. Krause

Website: www.estateplanningpeople.com
Email: info@friendly.law
Phone: (608) 268 – 5751

Bailey B. Lagman

Website: https://www.dfgrams.com/
Email: blagman@dfgrams.com
Phone: (608) 662-0440

Thomas Leitner MD JD

Website: http://leitnerlawoffice.com
Email: tlleitner@gmail.com
Phone: (608) 836-0259

Jack Longert

Email: jacklongert@yahoo.com
Phone: (608) 256-9250

Colleen Martine

Website: http://www.martinelaw.com
Email: colleen@martinelaw.com
Phone:  (608) 800-2051

Lisa M. Martinson

Website: http://www.mononalaw.com
Email: attorneylisamartinson@gmail.com
Phone: (608) 222-2505

Patricia McKinney-Lins

Website: https://www.neiderboucher.com
Email: pmckinneylins@neiderboucher.com
Phone: (608) 661-4500

Bob Nennig

Website: http://www.protectingfamilies.net
Email: bnennig@protectingfamilies.net
Phone: (608) 661-4333

Amanda Pirt Meyer

Website: https://hsbelderlaw.com/amanda-pirt-meyer/
Email: pirtmeyer@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237-6673

Maggie Premo

Website: www.neiderboucher.com
Email: mpremo@neiderboucher.com
Phone: (608) 661-4500

Chantelle M. Ringe

Website: http://www.hill-law-firm.com
Email: chantelle@hill-law-firm.com
Phone: (608) 244-1354

Juscha Robinson

Website: http://www.pinesbach.com
Email: jrobinson@pinesbach.com
Phone: (608) 251-0101

Stephanie Schmitt

Website: http://www.kh-law.net/
Email: stephanie@kh-law.net
Phone: (608) 824-9540

Julie Short

Website: https://www.hsbelderlaw.com
Email: anne@hsbelderlaw.com
Phone: (608) 237- 6673

Laura Skilton Verhoff

Website: www.staffordlaw.com
Email: lsverhoff@staffordlaw.com
Phone: (608) 259-2649

Matthew Suing

Website: http://www.fuhrmandodge.com
Email: msuing@fuhrmandodge.com
Phone: (608) 327-4200

Meghan M. Teigen

Website: http://www.jtlawwi.com
Email: meghan@jtlawwi.com
Phone: (608) 273-8609

Marsha Tesar

Website: http://www.tesarlaw.com
Email: mlt@tesarlaw.com
Phone: (608) 846-2200

Nancy Thome

Website: https://www.hannabrandt.com/
Email: nancy@hannabrandt.com
Phone: (608) 216-7000

Matthew Underwood

Website: http://underwoodlegal.com
Email: matt@underwoodlegal.com
Phone:  (608) 571-4464

Heather A. Wilson

Website: http://www.hill-law-firm.com
Email: hwilson@hill-law-firm.com
Phone: (608) 244-1354

Keith Yelinek

Email: yelineklaw@gmail.com
Phone: (608) 294-1400

Dodge County

N. Charles Eggert

Website: http://www.eggert-law.com
Email: charlie@eggert-law.com
Phone: (920) 478-1000

Katherine Koepsell

Website: https://www.qbslaw.com
Email: kkoepsell@qbslaw.com
Phone: (920) 885-9266

Evan M. Seibel

Website: https://www.dempseylaw.com/
Email: ems@dempseylaw.com
Phone: (920) 922-0470


Door County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Douglas County

Suzanne Blank

Website: http://loclaw.net/
Email: sblank@loclaw.net
Phone: (715) 394-4441


Dunn County

William S. Milne

Website: https://www.weldriley.com
Email: wmilne@weldriley.com
Phone: (715) 839-7786

Eau Claire County

Aric Burch

Website: http://www.eclawyers.com
Email: aric@eclawyers.com
Phone: (715) 835-6196

Peter E. Grosskopf

Website: http://www.eclawyers.com
Email: peter@eclawyers.com
Phone: (715) 835-6196

Heather M. Hunt

Website: https://www.nfattorneys.com
Email: hhunt@nfattorneys.com
Phone: (715) 830-9771

Jessica Merkel

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: jmerkel@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 834-3425

William S. Milne

Website: https://www.weldriley.com
Email: wmilne@weldriley.com
Phone: (715) 839-7786

Florence County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Fond Du Lac County

Sara B. Andrew

Website:  http://www.andrewlawoffice.com
Email: sandrew@andrewlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 921-6000

Amanda N. Follett

Website: https://schloemerlaw.com/
Email:  amanda@schloemerlaw.com
Phone: (262) 334-3471

JoAnn Gromowski

Website: http://www.GromowskiLawFirm.com
Email: Gromowski-law-firm@sbcglobal.net
Phone: (920) 382-6787

Douglas S. Iverson

Email: doug@iversonlawfirm.com
Phone: (920) 745-0128

Evan M. Seibel

Website: https://www.dempseylaw.com/
Email: ems@dempseylaw.com
Phone: (920) 922-0470

Forest County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Grant County

Nathan Russell

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: nrussell@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Green County

Duxstad, Bestul & McNaughton, S.C.

Website: http://duxstadlaw.com
Email: mcnaughton@duxstadlaw.com
Phone: (608) 325-4924

Amanda M. Fields

Website: http://sflawwisconsin.com
Email: amanda@sflawwisconsin.com
Phone: (608) 325-2500

R. Scott Jacobson

Website: http://jacobson.law
Email: scott@jacobson.law 
Phone: (608) 960-9991

Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington, & Thompson, S.C.

Website: https://www.kittlaw.com/
Email: info@kittlaw.com
Phone: (608) 325-2191

Peter Konz

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: pkonz@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Nathan Russell

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: nrussell@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Green Lake County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Iowa County

Nathan Russell

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: nrussell@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Steven M. Christianson

Email: steven@christiansonlawoffice.com
Phone: (608) 937-0777

Iron County

Ryan Long

Email: rlong@sturgullong.com
Website: http://www.sturgullong.com
Phone: (715) 561-4610

Jackson County

William S. Milne

Website: https://www.weldriley.com
Email: wmilne@weldriley.com
Phone: (715) 839-7786

Jefferson County

N. Charles Eggert

Website: http://www.eggert-law.com
Email: charlie@eggert-law.com
Phone: (920) 478-1000

Karen L Riemer

Website: http://www.kiesslinglaw.com
Email: firm@kiesslinglaw.com
Phone: (920) 648-8385

Nathan Russell

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: nrussell@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Nicole Schrier

Website: http://www.watertownlaw.com
Email: nschrier@nlgslaw.com
Phone: (920) 648-8381

Mike Schulz

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: mschulz@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Monica L. Walrath

Email: walrathlaw@outlook.com
Phone: (262) 443-3530

Juneau County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Kenosha County

Michael M Easton

Website: http://eastonlawoffice.com/
Email: meastonlaw@yahoo.com
Phone: (262) 654-8669

Angela M. Frozena

Website: https://www.frozenalaw.com
Email: angela@frozenalaw.com
Phone: (262) 237-8668

Bryce A. Lehman

Website: http://www.salemlegalattorney.com
Email: bryce@edenhoferlaw.com
Phone: (262) 843-3355

Paul B. Wokwicz

Website: http://www.wokwicz.com
Email: wokwicz@wokwicz.com
Phone: (262) 658-2181

Kewaunkee County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
LaCrosse County

Heidi Eglash

Website: www.eglashlawoffice.com
Email: heidi@eglashlawoffice.com
Phone: (608) 782-6110

Sarah E. Fortune

Website:  http://www.haleskemp.com
Email: sef@haleskemp.com
Phone: (608) 784-3540

Dorothy J. Stroschein

Website: http://www.lawyersatwork.biz
Email: dorothy@lawyersatwork.biz
Phone: (608) 784-8100

Lafayette County

Duxstad, Bestul & McNaughton, S.C.

Website: http://duxstadlaw.com
Email: mcnaughton@duxstadlaw.com
Phone: (608) 325-4924

Nathan Russell

Website: https://russelllawwi.com
Email: nrussell@russelllawofficeswi.com
Phone: (608) 448-3680

Langlade County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Lincoln County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Manitowoc County

Michelle L Birschbach

Website: www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email: michelle@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 683-3500

Thomas A Griesbach

Website: www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email: thomas@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 683-3500

Mitchel L Olson

Website: https://www.salutzlaw.com/
Email: molson@axley.com
Phone: (920) 482-1702

Alison C Petri

Website: http://www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email:  alison@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 973-9586

Marathon County

Jeffery J. Drach

Email: jdrach@drachlawfirm.com
Phone: (715) 842-0606

Jason Krautkramer

Website: http://www.eckertlawllc.com
Email: jason@eckertlawllc.com
Phone: (715) 842-0907

Jessica Merkel

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: jmerkel@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 845-4336

Mark D. Munson

Website: http://www.ruderware.com
Email: mmunson@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 845-4336

Andrew Schmidt

Website: http://www.schmidtlawfirm.com
Email: andrew@schmidtlawfirm.com
Phone: (715) 845-9621

Evan M. Seibel

Website: https://www.dempseylaw.com/
Email: ems@dempseylaw.com
Phone: (920) 922-0470

Marinette County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Marquette County

Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.

Menominee County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Milwaukee County

Sara B. Andrew

Website:  http://www.andrewlawoffice.com
Email: sandrew@andrewlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 921-6000

Andrew Brusky

Website: http://www.bruskylaw.com
Email: apb@bruskylaw.com
Phone: (414) 259-0010

Heather Burgess Poster

Website: http://www.beckerhickey.com
Email:  heather@beckerhickey.com
Phone: (414) 273-1414

Canellos & Patino

Website: https://www.cpelderlaw.com
Email: blaine@cpelderlaw.com 
Phone: (414) 257-9200

Victoria Davis Davila

Website: http://www.davisandpledl.com
Email: vldd@davisandpledl.com
Phone: (414) 488-1351

Thomas Glembocki

Website: https://www.glembockilaw.com/
Email: tom@glembockilaw.com
Phone: (414) 277-9455

Gini L. Hendrickson

Website: https://www.dkattorneys.com/attorney/ginihendrickson/
Email: ghendrickson@dkattorneys.com 
Phone: (608) 667-6120

Megann Hendrix

Website: http://www.macgilliswiemer.com
Email: megann@macgilliswiemer.com
Phone: (414) 727-5150

Chris Hueneke

Website: http://www.mhsblaw.com
Email: chueneke@mhsblaw.com
Phone: (414) 281-4529

Sumeeta A. Krishnaney

Website: https://www.vonbriesen.com/
Email: sumeeta.krishnaney@vonbriesen.com
Phone: (414) 287-1220 

Thomas W. LaFave

Website: http://www.lafavelaw.net
Email: twl@lafavelaw.net
Phone: (414) 228-5250

Jennifer R. Lasky

Website: www.lawmwc.com
Email: jlasky@lawmwc.com
Phone: (414) 276 – 4366

Avery J. Mayne

Website: https://www.vonbriesen.com/
Email: avery.mayne@vonbriesen.com
Phone: (414) 287-1298

Bridget F. Murphy

Website: www.lawmwc.com
Email: bmurphy@lawmwc.com
Phone: (414) 276 – 4366

Inna Pullin

Email: ipullin@pullinlaw.com
Phone: (414) 228-5250

Jonathan David Richards

Email: jonr@zgkc-law.com
Phone: (414) 272-2295

Melissa D. Robe

Email: dietrich1@uwalumni.com
Phone: (414) 852-2056

Michael J. Rosolino

Website: https://gpjlaw.com/ 
Email: mrosolino@gpjlaw.com
Phone: (414) 271-5400

Michael J. Ryan

Website: https://www.milwaukeelawfirm.com/
Email: mryan@milwaukeelawfirm.com
Phone: (414) 273-7100

Elizabeth Ruthmansdorfer

Email: attyelizabeth@rlglaw.law
Phone: (414) 377-6981

Brad Sarkauskas

Website: http://www.heritagelawwi.com
Email:  brad@heritagelawwi.com
Phone: (414) 253-8500

Stephanie J Shelton

Website: http://www.lafavelaw.net
Email: steph@lafavelaw.net
Phone: (414) 228-5250

Emily Tercilla

Website: https://www.beckerhickey.com/
Email: emily@beckerhickey.com
Phone: (414) 273-1414

Stacy Vogeltanz

Website: https://www.angermeierandrogersllp.com/
Email: svogeltanz@wiestateplanners.com 
Phone: (414) 289-0636

James M Weber

Website: http://www.jimweberlegal.com
Email: attyjimweber@gmail.com
Phone: (414) 277-9088

Monroe County

Shari LePage Locante

Website: http://www.arndtbuswellthorn.com
Email: sharil@arndtbuswellthorn.com
Phone: (608) 269-1200

Kathryn D. Schmidt

Email: kathy@kathrynschmidtlaw.com
Phone: (608) 269-4800

Oconto County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Oneida County

Ryan Long

Email: rlong@sturgullong.com
Website: http://www.sturgullong.com
Phone: (715) 439-4234


Outagamie County

Greg Curtis

Website: http://www.herrlingclark.com
Email: gcurtis@herrlingclark.com
Phone: (920) 739-7366

Kathleen Drescher

Website: http://www.glenndaniels.com
Email: katied@glenndaniels.com
Phone: (920) 749-2000

Jonathan Fischer

Website: http://www.mccartylaw.com
Email: jfischer@mccarty-law.com
Phone: (920) 257-2219

Patrick Furman

Website: http://www.epiphanylaw.com
Email: pfurman@epiphanylaw.com
Phone: (920) 996-0000

Roy E. Hegard

Website: http://hegardlaw.com
Email: hegardlaw@gmail.com

Sarah J. Kons

Website:  http://www.hooperlawoffice.com
Email: sarah@hooperlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 993-0990

Sara Micheletti

Website: http://www.mccartylaw.com
Email: smicheletti@McCarty-Law.com
Phone: 920-257-2205

Alicia Ratajczak

Website: http://www.mccartylaw.com
Email: aratajczak@mccarty-law.com
Phone: (920) 257-2210

Mark D. Schubert

Website: http://www.mccartylaw.com
Email: mschubert@McCarty-Law.com
Phone: (920) 882-4070

Elizabeth Hoffman Stevens

Website: https://hoffmanstevenslaw.com/
Email:  elizabeth@hoffmanstevens.com
Phone: (920) 710-1718

Reg P. Wydeven

Website: http://www.mccartylaw.com
Email: rwydeven@mccarty-law.com
Phone: (920) 257-2219

Ozaukee County

Emily Gabor

Email: emilyegabor@gmail.com
Phone: (262) 421-5833

Jessica A. Liebau

Website: https://wesselsliebau.com
Email:  jessica@wesselsllc.com
Phone: (262) 264-7702

Robert W. Melick

Website: http://melicklawwi.com
Email: rob@melicklawwi.com
Phone: (262) 347-3444

Stacy Vogeltanz 

Website: https://www.angermeierandrogersllp.com/
Email: svogeltanz@wiestateplanners.com 
Phone: (414) 289-0636

David Watson

Website: https://www.watsonatlaw.com/
Email: david.watson@watsonatlaw.com
Phone: 414-491-3283

Carol J Wessels

Website: https://wesselsliebau.com
Email: carol@wesselsllc.com
Phone: (262) 264-7702

Pepin County

Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resource.

Pierce County

Benjamin Scott Wright

Website: https://www.bswright.com/
Email: ben@bswright.com
Phone: (715) 575-5635

Polk County

Brian D. Byrnes

Email: bbyrnes@byrneslawoffice.net
Phone: (715) 268-5000

Jagath Karun

Email: jkarun@charter.net
Phone: (715) 706-1000

Benjamin Scott Wright

Website: https://www.bswright.com/
Email: ben@bswright.com
Phone: (715) 575-5635

Portage County

Amy J. Eddy

Website: www.andlaw.com
Email: aje@andlaw.com
Phone: (715) 344-0890

Michael J. Lauterbach

Website: http://www.lauterbach-legal.com
Email: mjl@lauterbach-legal.com
Phone: (715) 544-8393

Erik J. McFarland

Website: http://www.lauterbach-legal.com
Email: ejm@lauterbach-legal.com
Phone (715) 544-8393


Price County

Deborah M. Richter

Website: http://www.richterlawoffice.com
Email: deborah@richterlawoffice.com
Phone: (715) 762-1810

Kristi L. Speer

Website: http://speerlawoffice.com/
Email: staff@speerlawoffice.com
Phone: (715) 339-2190

Racine County

Terry L. Campbell

Website:  http://www.lawmwc.com/
Email: tcampbell@lawmwc..com
Phone: (414) 276-4366

Derrick B. Heller-Neal

Website: http://www.hellerneal.com 
Email: hellerneal@hellerneal.com
Phone: (262) 902-0595

Jennifer Imediegwu

Website: www.lawmwc.com
Email:  jimediegwu@lawmwc.com
Phone: (414) 276-4366

Rebecca Mason

Website: http://rebeccamasonlaw.com
Email: mason@rebeccamasonlaw.com 
Phone: (262) 632-2899

Jessica A. Sippel

Website: http://www.sippel-law.com
Email: jsippel@sippel-law.com
Phone: (262) 210-1854

John Zabkowicz

Website: https://www.pruittlawoffices.com/
Email: john@pruittlawoffices.com
Phone: (262) 633-8301

Richland County

Julie A Dadoun

Website: http://www.dadounlaw.com
Email: dadounlaw@gmail.com
Phone: (608) 383-1205

Rock County

Michael Coakley

Website: https://turkelaw.com
Email: michaelc@turkelaw.com
Phone: (608) 237 – 1775

Alexander M Evans

Website: https://turkelaw.com
Email: alex@turkelaw.com
Phone: (608) 665-0360

Gina Hendrickson

Website: http://www.murphydesmond.com
Email: ghendrickson@murphydesmond.com
Phone:  (608) 268-5646

Douglas Ley

Website: http://elderadvisorslaw.com/
Email: dpley@elderadvisorslaw.com
Phone:  (608) 371-7207

Daniel Lipman

Website: http://www.murphydesmond.com
Email: dlipman@murphydesmond.com
Phone:  (608) 268-5565

Bob Nenning

Website: http://www.protectingfamilies.net
Email:  bnenning@protectingfamilies.net
Phone: (608) 661-4333

Michael W. Vogel

Website: https://vogellawfirm.net
Email:  mwv@vogellawfirm.net
Phone: (608) 754-4535

Rusk County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Saint Croix County

Jessie Beier

Website: http://www.lommen.com/professionals/jesse-c-beier/
Email: jbeier@lommen.com
Phone: (715) 386-8217

Leah Boeve

Website: http://remingtonlawoffices.com/
Email: leahb@remingtonlawoffices.com
Phone: (715) 246-3422

Amy Greske

Website: https://oneillelderlaw.com/
Email: amy@oneillelderlaw.com
Phone: (715) 808-0610

Mallory Moen 

Website: https://chandlerandbrown.com/
Email: mmoen@chandlerandbrown.com  Phone: (615) 228-0497
(note – office is located in Ramsey County, MN – but all attorneys are licensed in both Wisconsin and Minnesota) 

Maxfield Neuhaus

Website: https://riverfallslaw.com/
Email: max@rodlibeskar.com
Phone: (715) 246-3422

Jennifer O’Neill

Website: http://www.oneillelderlaw.com
Email: jennifer@oneillelderlaw.com
Phone: (715) 808-0610

Benjamin Scott Wright

Website: https://www.bswright.com/
Email: ben@bswright.com
Phone: (715) 575-5635

Ronald L. Siler

Website: http://www.williamsonandsiler.com
Email: ron@williamsonandsiler.com
Phone: (715) 246-6806

George V. Zaske

Website: http://www.zaskelawoffice.com/
Email: zaskelawoffice@gmail.com
Phone: (651) 301-9852

Sauk County

Jama S. Graves

Website: https://saukprairielaw.com/
Email: jama@saukprairielaw.com
Phone: (608) 643-2456

William F. Greenhalgh

Website: http://www.greenhalghlaw.com
Email: bill@greenhalghlaw.com
Phone: (608) 355-0907

L William Kahler Jr

Email: kahler@kahlerlegal.com
Phone: (608) 524-2969

Gina Nugent

Website: https://saukprairielaw.com/
Email: gina@saukprairielaw.com
Phone: (608) 643-2456

Meghan Roed

Website: www.law4kids.com
Phone: (608) 821-8200

Nancy Thome

Website: https://www.hannabrandt.com/
Email: nancy@hannabrandt.com
Phone: (608) 216-7000

Sarah E. Wood

Website: http://www.gustafsonlegal.com
Email: sarah@gustafsonlegal.com
Phone: (608) 274-7192

Sawyer County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Shawano County

Sharon Green-Gretzinger

Website: http://www.greene-gretzlaw.com
Email: sharon@greene-gretzlaw.com
Phone: (715) 526-2401

Sheboygan County

Michelle L Birschbach

Website: www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email: michelle@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 683-3500

Nathanial C. Jung

Email: njung@ritgerlaw.com 
Phone: (920) 994-4313

Alison C Petri

Website: http://www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email:  alison@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 395-2028

Gina C Ziegelbauer

Website: www.steimlebirschbach.com
Email: gina@steimlebirschbach.com
Phone: (920) 395-2028

Taylor County

Bill Grunewald

Email: billgrunewald@jensenscottlaw.com
Phone: (715) 748-5811

Trempealeau County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Vernon County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Vilas County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Walworth County

Julie Nommensen

Website: www.nommensenlaw.com
Email: Julie@nommensenlaw.com
Phone: (262) 723-4700

David Nommensen

Website: www.nommensenlaw.com
Email: David@nommensenlaw.com
Phone: (262) 723-4700

Edward F. Thompson

Website: http://www.clairlaw.com
Email: edthompson@clairlawoffices.com
Phone: (262) 728-9196

Washburn County
Wispact has not been contacted by any attorneys physically located in this county to join our list. You are of course free to travel to any county and work with any attorney of your choosing.  Attorneys from surrounding counties may be willing to travel to you, or may even agree to work with you remotely. Please check another county, or try the State Bar of Wisconsin’s attorney search resources.
Washington County

Andrew Falkowski

Website: http://www.falkolaw.com
Email:  andy@falkolaw.com
Phone: (262) 338-1750

David Nelson

Email: david@nelsonlawfirm.legal
Phone: (262) 429-1390

Ian Prust

Website: https://omearalawfirm.com/
Email: prust@omearalawfirm.com
Phone: (262) 673-7700

Isaiah M. Richie

Website: https://schloemerlaw.com/
Email: isaiah@schloemerlaw.com
Phone: (262) 334-3471

Waukesha County

Matthew Demark

Website: http://riverwoodlas.com
Email: matt@riverwoodlas.com
Phone: (262) 446-8145

Gini L. Hendrickson

Website: https://www.dkattorneys.com/attorney/ginihendrickson/
Email: ghendrickson@dkattorneys.com 
Phone: (608) 667-6120

Joe Hentz

Website: http://www.swendsonfeylaw.com
Email:  jhentz@smll.net
Phone: (262) 567-8454

Sarah Guenther

Email: sarah@126legal.com
Phone: (262) 439-9326, ext. 6061

Michael D. Kaiser

Website: http://www.kaiserholahan.com
Email: mkaiser@kaiserholahan.com
Phone: (262) 367-2181

Jennifer W Koeppl

Email: jkoeppl@koeppllaw.net
Phone: (920) 622-3048

Melissa M. Pehl

Email: melissap@broadwaylaw.biz
Phone: (262) 665-8100

Ben Pliskie

Website: https://www.redoaklaw.com/
Email: ben@redoaklaw.com
Phone: (262) 345-4430

Preston M. Porter

Website: https://www.janelwalker.com
Email: admin@janelwalker.com
Phone: (262) 542-4420

Mike Schulz

Website: https://www.alglawoffices.com/
Email: mike@alglawoffices.com
Phone: (267) 649-5572

Nancy L. Shue

Email: nancy@shueboxlaw.com
Phone: (267) 402-6062

Alan L. Spiegel, Jr.

Website: https://mclario.com/
Email: aspiegel@mclario.com
Phone: (262) 251-4210

William A. Swendson

Email: Bill@estatewi.com
Phone: (262) 719-0088

Morgan L. Turner

Website: www.https://www.vonbriesen.com/people/morgan-l-turner
Email: morgan.turner@vonbriesen.com
Phone: 262-923-8653

Stacy Vogeltanz

Website: https://www.angermeierandrogersllp.com/
Email: svogeltanz@wiestateplanners.com 
Phone: (414) 289-0636

Jane L. Walker

Website: http://janelwalker.com
Email: jlwalker@execpc.com
Phone: (262) 542-4420

Peter J. Walsh

Website: https://www.vonbriesen.com/
Email: peter.walsh@vonbriesen.com
Phone: (262) 923-8674

Monica L. Walrath

Email: walrathlaw@outlook.com
Phone: (262) 443-3530

W. Ryan Zenk

Website: https://www.elderlawcenterofwisconsin.com/
Email: paralegal@elcwi.com
Phone: (262) 812-6262

Waushara County

Patrick Scharmer

Website: https://www.scharmerlaw.com
Email: patrick@scharmerlaw.com
Phone: (920) 240-4226


Waupaca County

Elizabeth AH Stevens

Website: https://hoffmanstevenslaw.com/
Email:  elizabeth@hoffmanstevens.com
Phone: (920) 710-1718

Winnebago County

Timothy B. Anderson

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: tanderson@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

Jeanne E. Baivier

Website: http://www.reff-law.com
Email: jb@reff-law.com
Phone: (920)-231-8380

Matthew Borkovec

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: mborkovec@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

Matthew D. Brehmer

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: mbrehmer@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

Ann E. Elmer

Website: http://www.reff-law.com
Email: ae@reff-law.com
Phone: (920) 231-8380

Aaron Haller

Website: https://www.leattys.com/aaron-haller
Email: aaron@leattys.com
Phone: (608) 621- 2888 ext. 705

Roy Hegard

Website: billsandwills.com
Email: hegardlaw@gmail.com
Phone: (920) 267-6588

Sarah J. Kons

Website:  http://www.hooperlawoffice.com
Email: sarah@hooperlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 993-0990

Joseph McCleer

Website:  http://www.mccleerlaw.com
Email: joe@mccleerlaw.com
Phone: (920) 221- 0320

James R. Phelan

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: jphelan@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

Renee A. Read

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: rread@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

James L. Rudd

Website:  http://www.remleylaw.com
Email: jrudd@remleylaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-2601

Catherine B. Scherer

Website:  http://www.schererlawoffice.com
Email: scherer@schererlawoffice.com
Phone: (920) 267-7581

Evan M. Seibel

Website: https://www.dempseylaw.com/
Email: ems@dempseylaw.com
Phone: (920) 922-0470

Bill Woodrow

Email: bill@adamswoodrowlaw.com
Phone: (920) 725-8401


Wood County

Nicholas R. Adts

Website: http://www.lachapellelaw.com/nicholas-r-abts
Email: nabts@lachapellelaw.com
Phone: (715) 845-5923

Scott A. Kissinger

Website: www.kissingerlawoffice.com
Email: scott@kissingerlawoffice.com
Phone: (715) 423-5477

Michael J. Lauterbach

Website: http://www.lauterbach-legal.com
Email: mjl@lauterbach-legal.com
Phone: (715) 544-8393

Erik J. McFarland

Website: http://www.lauterbach-legal.com
Email: ejm@lauterbach-legal.com
Phone (715) 544-8393

Jessica Merkel

Website: https://www.ruderware.com/
Email: jmerkel@ruderware.com 
Phone: (715) 845-4336

Alan A. Panek

Website: https://www.ruderware.com/
Email: apanek@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 421-2600

Eric R. Preu

Website: https://www.ruderware.com/
Email: epreu@ruderware.com
Phone: (715) 421-2600

Get Added To An Attorney List

If you are a law firm or attorney that sets up special needs trusts and would like to be listed, please fill out the form below.

  • Please only indicate the county in which your office is physically located. If you regularly work out of multiple offices, feel free to list all counties in which those offices are physically located.