Living Beyond Limitations
Our special needs trusts are created to help preserve the assets of people with disabilities without endangering their eligibility for public benefits or placement on waiting lists.
Wispact’s Mission
We enhance the well-being of people of all ages with disabilities across Wisconsin through the management of special needs trusts by promoting more choice and opportunities.
Dedicated To Improving Lives
What do you want to do?
Request Distribution
Fill out our user friendly outline form or print a PDF, in English and Spanish.
Sign into your True Link Account
Check account balance; see recent disbursements and deposits; download quarterly statements.
View our list of Attorneys
Find an attorney in your region that create Special Needs Trusts from our maintained list.

More choices, more opportunities,
and a better quality of life.
Wispact has been dedicated to improving the lives of people of all ages with disabilities across Wisconsin since 2003.